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  • Agri Consultant & Exporter Keen to Serve Our Best on Your Farm
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  • Soil-Water-Compost Analysis



    We provide comprehensive services for laboratory analysis of soil, water, compost, plant tissue and heavy metal contamination in soil and ground water. For our global customers, we provide following testing services:


         A.   Soil Testing and Analysis

    Soil analysis is a set of various physical and chemical processes that determine the amount of available plant nutrients in the soil, but also the chemical, physical and biological soil properties important for plant nutrition, or “soil health”.

    Why soil testing is important? Good crop production requires balanced fertilization. Soil testing enables you to find out what crops to grow, the makeup of your soil and helps you determine how much fertilizer you need to apply.

    Our soil testing program covers commercial farms, pastures, parks, home yards, and community gardens. In our comprehensive soil testing package, we do following tests:

    Soil Physico-Chemical Parameters

    pH; Electrical Conductivity (EC); Organic Carbon; Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)


    Soil Nutrient Availability Indices

    NO3-N; Available N; Available P; Available K; Available Ca; Available Mg; Available S; Exchangeable Na; Available Zn; Available Fe; Available Mn; Available B; Available Cu; Available Mo.

    Soil Physical Parameters

    Soil texture analysis (Sand, Silt and Clay fractions)
    Soil structure
    Water infiltration rate

    Soil Microbiological Indices

    Nematode concentration
    Population density of N-fixers
    Phosphorus solubilising bacteria (PSB) concentration  

    Derived/ Estimated Parameters

    Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR)
    Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (ESP)
    Total gypsum requirement (TGR)


    B. Irrigation Water Analysis

    The quality and content of the irrigation water can greatly affect the success of your crop. Testing your irrigation water is important for assessing the suitability of the water source for irrigation. For irrigation water analysis, we provide following parameters:

    Calculation of water quality

    Irrigation water pH, EC


    Residual Alkalinity

    Total Dissolved Solids

    Sodium Adsorption Ratio


    C. Compost Analysis 

    It is preferable to know the nutrient content of your compost material which you plan to apply. Based on the compost analysis you can decrease or increase the amount of compost needed. For compost analysis, we provide following parameters:

    pH, EC, Moisture, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN), P2O5, K2O, C: N ratio, Ca, Mg, S, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn and Particle Size.


    D. Plant Tissue Analysis

    Plant tissue analysis is good medicine for crops. Plant tissue analysis can indicate whether plants contain the concentrations of essential nutrients necessary for optimum growth. It complements a proven soil testing plan and helps identify ways to use nutrients more efficiently. Unseen nutrient imbalances or toxicities can be identified, as well. In our plant tissue analysis, we do following tests:

    Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN), P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Cu, Fe, Zn, Mn and B.


    Test Report

    We send all test reports to the client via Email within 15 days of the payment (along with the sample). With soil test results, our report also includes the test interpretation and soil test based nutrient management recommendations for better understanding of our clients.


    Send Inquiry

    Tips on getting accurate quotes. please include product name, order quantity, usage, special requests if any in your inquiry.


    INDIA Office:
    45, Sun City Enclave, Jankipuram Extension, Lucknow - 226021 (U.P.) India
    USA Office:
    974 Olympus Park Dr. Salt Lake City UT-84117 (USA)