Product information
Scientific Name: Mentha arvensis
Stolon Size: 6 to 9 inch long with nodes
Stolon Colour: Dusty White
Varieties available: MAS-1, Hybrid-77, Shivalik, EC- 41911, Himalaya, Kalka, Kosi
Usage: For propagation
Age: Fresh
Origin: India
Stolon Packing: In plastic net bags or as per buyer’s requirement
Stolon availability: Throughout the year
General Details
Botanical Name: Mentha arvensis
English Name: Japanese Mint, Menthol Mint, Corn mint, Wild mint, Field mint
Hindi Name: Pudina, Hara Pudina, Mentha, Vilayati Pudina
Family: Lamiaceae
Propagation: By rooted stolons/ suckers/ seedlings
Therapeutic Properties
Essential Oil: Adaptogen, Analgesic, Anti-cancer, Anti-fungal, Anti-oxidant, Anti-spasmodic, Astringent, Febrifuge, Hepatic, Insect repellent, Carminative, Cholagogue, Diaphoretic, Expectorant, Nervine, Refrigerant, Skin tonic, Stimulant, Vasoconstrictor.
General characteristics
Mentha is an aromatic perennial herb popularly known as Pudina in India and grown as an annual in sub-tropical parts of north India. It is native to the temperate regions of Europe and western and central Asia, east to the Himalaya and eastern Siberia, and North America. It is an industrial crop that is widely cultivated for its essential oil from which menthol is crystallized.
Mentha plant grows about 60-80 cm with broad lanceolate leaves, conspicuous veins and serrated margins. The flowers occur in non-terminal whorls above the axils of the upper leaves.
It does not produce seed and propagation is through vegetative means only. The over-ground herb (foliage) on distillation yields an essential oil, containing high (75 – 80%) menthol content. The oil has a bitter cooling taste, harsh odour and is the principal source of menthol.
Benefits/ Uses
Mentha oil is used in combating cold, used as an ingredient in cough drops and related pharmaceuticals, dentifrices, cosmetics, mouth washes, scenting of tobacco products and flavouring of beverages. It is used in treating headaches, rhinitis, cough sore throat, colic, prurigo and vomiting.
It serves as a good blood cleanser, and plays a significant role in alleviating swollen gums, mouth ulcers and toothaches. Crushed and bruised leaves are used in treating insect bites. The decoction and infusion of its leaves and stems helps in fever, stomachaches, dysmenorrheal and diuresis.
Fresh leaves are crushed and sniffed for dizziness. The menthol extracted from the plant is used in preparing balms. It is used as a flavoring agent in many culinary preparations. It also helps in depression, fatigue and contributes in weight loss.
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