Product information
Scientific Name: Plantago ovata
Seed Shape: Ovoid-oblong, Boat shaped
Seed Size: 1.0 mm long
Seed Colour: Light pink / Brownish pink
Usage: For germination
Age: Fresh
Origin: India
Packing: In plastic bag
Seed availability: Throughout the year
General Details
Botanical Name: Plantago ovata
English Name: Spogel, Psyllium, Ispagol Psyllium, Blond Psyllium
Hindi Name: Isabgol, Ispaghula, Aspaghol, Ashvagola, Ashwakarna
Family: Plantaginaceae
Propagation: By seeds
Medicinal Properties
Seeds: Cooling, Laxative, Soothing, Anti-acidic, Anti-dysenteric, Anti-diuretic, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-hyperglycaemic, Anti-peptic ulcer, Lipid, BP & bad cholesterol lowering.
General characteristics
Isabgol is a herbal medicinal plant cultivated in India mainly in the states of Gujarat and Rajasthan. It is a short-stemmed annual herb that grows up to a height of 30 to 40 cm. A large number of flowering shoots arise from the base of the plant Leaves are born alternately on the stem.
Flowers in terminal spikes; fruit a capsule. Seeds are translucent and concavo-convex. The seed husk is thin, boat shaped, white, translucent, odourless with mucilaginous taste. The root system has a well developed tap root with few fibrous secondary roots.
Medicinal Uses
Isabgol is a natural remedy for constipation regulates bowel functions by stimulating nutritional program of digestive system. Isabgol is a very good source for removing body toxins and is a good dietary fiber supplement.
It contents natural fibers which are part of healthy regimen and has ability to decrease symptoms of fatigue loss of energy and other severe health problems. It is natural bulk forming laxative.
It helps to reduce risk of heart attack by decreasing serum cholesterol through proper excretion of bile acids. Also helps in eliminating accumulated toxic, chemicals and excessive waste. It is also useful in Diarrhea, Piles, lowering BP, blood sugar and bad cholesterol levels.